Baywatch Let’s It Silly Flag Fly…

…and is damn proud of it.

Baywatch Let’s It Silly Flag Fly…

I finally watched the Baywatch movie this past weekend. Annnddd… kinda enjoyed it. And I’m not really sure where all the hate for it is coming from.

It’s totally ridiculous, over-the-top, and absurd. But it has it’s tongue firmly implanted in it’s cheek, making lantern hanging the main function of it’s protagonist. It was fun and entertaining and required very little from me to enjoy it.

The Rock and Nick Jonas (I mean Justin Bieber — I mean One Direction — I mean High-school Musical), work great together and do their best ‘sarcastic thing’ that they do. And the rest of the cast follows suit.

Was it laugh out loud hilarious, no. But my enjoyment came from the complete absurdity and cliché-ness of the story and the characters, that delivered just about what I would or could expect from a modernized Baywatch movie. Not sure why the haters are hatin’. Do you remember the TV show? The cheesy story lines, the overacting, the earnest tone.

There is a bunch of hot chicks and buff guys (with the exception of the pudgy comedic relief character), with all the running and bouncing boobs from both that you’d expect. Along with nondescript action scenes, gross out jokes, and more than enough self awareness, it all but says (but kinda actually says) that this whole movie is farcical and you should not take it seriously.

But not taking it seriously is the whole point and everybody from time to time should experience some entertainment that takes no brain power to enjoy and really does just let you escape for a moment. Baywatch is silly and ridiculous, knows it, and owns it for the sake of being so.

Life is crazy, we all need to be a little silly from time to time. Thank you Baywatch for reminding us of that.